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You are eligible to join BOMA’s network of 17,000+ U.S. commercial real estate professionals if you are:

  • A Building Owner;
  • A Developer;
  • An Asset Manager;
  • A Manager of a Property, Corporate Facility, Government Office Building, Industrial Building, Medical Office Building, Retail Facility, Hotel/Accommodations/Condominium Facility, Campus Facility, Mixed-Use Development;
  • A Leasing Professional;
  • An Engineer; 
  • Other Commercial Real Estate Professional; or
  • A Vendor Who Serves the Commercial Real Estate Community

Principal Membership is open to firms engaged in the ownership or executive management of commercial real estate. Membership is held by the firm, with at least one individual on record. The firm may elect to have multiple Principal Members or additional members can join under the Additional Membership category. All Principal Members on record have the right to vote or serve as a director or officer of the Association. Principal Additional Members shall have all rights and privileges of the Association except the right to vote. **

Allied Membership is open to firms  providing goods or services to commercial real estate assets. This may include but not limited to 
professional services, contractors, suppliers and product manufacturers and distributors. **

**There must be a Primary Membership from the company established to qualify as a Principal/Allied Additional Member.**

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